Turn over a new leaf for your skin this Autumn

Turn over a new leaf for your skin this Autumn

As the season changes and winter starts to bite, you may be thinking about swapping your summer dresses for more weather-appropriate attire. But it’s not just your wardrobe you need to think about at this time of year, your skin is likely to need some TLC too.

Your skin may be looking a little lack-lustre and dull and could still be showing signs of sun damage if you’ve been lucky enough to spend some time in the sun this summer. So if you want to regain a glowing complexion like LA based TV presenter Cat Deeley, why not consider some simple and non-evasive treatments from The Clinic on Belfast’s Lisburn Road, which will leave your skin feeling rejuvenated, youthful and fresh. 

The Clinic offers a variety of treatments that can help repair damage and improve your complexion. So whether you suffer from visibly stressed, dry or dull skin, are prone to breakouts, or simply want to rejuvenate ageing skin from visible lines and wrinkles, it’s best to consultant a therapist as early as possible as no result will appear overnight.


Over time, dead and damaged cells on the surface of the skin can build up, making the skin look dull and tired. Microdermabrasion removes dead skin cells revealing softer, more radiant, and younger looking skin.

Microdermabrasion works for all kinds of skin types and can be used to effectively improve the appearance of brown spots, shallow acne scars, sun-damaged, dull or ageing skin, acne-prone or blotchy skin and fine lines. The results can be dramatic and will ensure your skin is radiant and youthful.

Epionce Skin Peels and Products

As we age, skin can look dull, uneven, and blemishes and fine lines may start to appear. Chemical peels are used to improve the skin’s appearance by applying a chemical solution to the skin, causing the superficial dead layers of skin to separate, peel off and to stimulate the production of new healthy cells. The new skin looks brighter and fresher with an overall softer glow.

Skin peels are best planned a month or two before any big events so the skin can fully recover and to allow fresh healthy skin cells to develop. Products are also available to use at home to continue your treatment.


Botox is one of the best known and popular non-surgical treatments for treating lines and wrinkles. It is used to prevent the muscle contractions that cause furrows and fine lines when the face is frowning or laughing. The treatment is safe and virtually painless and results are visible within three to seven days, lasting for four to six months.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers are a non-invasive treatment for smoother, more youthful skin. There are many different types of dermal fillers which can be chosen specifically to directly target the area you want to improve. By injecting tiny amounts of non-animal based hyaluronic acid into the skin or lips it can temporarily halt or even reverse the aging process by restoring volume and elasticity where you need it most, plumping up the skin’s surface and reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles to leave perfectly smooth and supple skin.

Whatever treatment you choose the experienced practitioners at The Clinic will offer a free consultation in a relaxed environment, during which they can advise you on the treatments that will suit you and deliver the best results which will leave you ready to face winter looking radiant.