Pucker up for a very Merry Kissmas

Pucker up for a very Merry Kissmas

Kissing season will soon be upon us and whether yours consists of cheeky snogs under the mistletoe, a peck on the cheeks of distant relatives, or a smooch on Christmas Day for your other half, now is the time to begin preparations to get your smackers looking fuller, luscious and soft; ensuring this season’s kisses run smoothly.

Whether you’re after the voluptuous, pout-tastic lips of Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian, or the subtler, youthful looking lips of Dame Helen Mirren and Jane Fonda, The Clinic offers just what you need without the fear of developing a dreaded ‘trout-pout’. The straightforward filler treatment on offer at The Clinic is both non-surgical and a safe option with no known allergies.

Dermal Fillers are a non-invasive treatment for smoother, more youthful skin. There are many different types of dermal fillers which can be chosen specifically to directly target the area you want to improve. When injected under the skin Dermal Fillers instantly restore volume and smooth out the surface of which it has been administered.

For lip enhancements, The Clinic uses two types of dermal filler; Juvéderm and Restylane Lipp. Upon an initial consultation, a medical practitioner will decide which of these will work best for you as an individual, depending on your facial characteristics and cosmetic needs.

Juvéderm is a well-known dermal filler which can last for 6-12 months. It’s also the first filler of its kind to contain an anaesthetic to make treatment more comfortable. Restylane is a similar product and is also made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body.

Fillers not only increase the fullness of lips, they can also help combat problem areas such as static lines and wrinkles, surrounding the mouth that are the direct result of ageing, and in some cases, smoking. These lines are effectively reduced when small quantities of the dermal filler are injected into carefully targeted areas. Facial features appear fuller, with reduced wrinkles and enhanced contours.

Ultimately, it’s important to choose a treatment which will create a look that’s both subtle and which enhances the natural look of the lips. The Clinic, which is doctor-led, offers a free consultation to help you decide on the best choice of treatment for your particular skin condition and required outcome. All procedures are administered by a fully qualified nurse practitioner who has over 17 years of experience in the field.