Anti-wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle Injections

One of the most recognised treatments for reducing fine lines and wrinkles caused by smiling, laughing and frowning, anti-wrinkle injections work by preventing the muscle contractions that come from facial expression.

With no surgery, no down time and tangible results, it’s no surprise that anti-wrinkle injections have been chosen by millions of men to improve their appearance. This treatment is safe, virtually painless and results are noticeable within three to seven days and can last up to six months.

Anti-wrinkle injections can also be used to treat Hyperhydrosis, more commonly known as excessive sweating. It can greatly improve the quality of life of those who suffer from it, with results showing up to an 87% decrease in sweating.

The Clinic Lisburn Road also offers a number of anti-wrinkle injections, which our experienced practitioner will be able to advise on as part of your bespoke and confidential consultation.